We often get asked about the relationship between TwentyCi and ViewMyChain. Are you the same company? Do TwentyCi own ViewMyChain? We thought that we’d set the record straight.
The truth is, while they share some history, TwentyCi and ViewMyChain are distinct, independent entities and to understand this we need to look at their shared roots.
ViewMyChain started out as a business in which TwentyCi had a substantial investment. Over time, TwentyCi's stake in the company grew and it operated within the TwentyCi corporate family.
Around three years the management came to the conclusion that ViewMyChain would be a much stronger business outside of this group. TwentyCi is largely a marketing business and ViewMyChain handles data that it would never be appropriate to use for targeting. Clearly defining this separation became an advantage for both entities.
Today, ViewMyChain stands as a legally, logically, and technically separate entity from TwentyCi. Our data infrastructure, powered by Microsoft Azure, runs in a totally different instance. While we continue to be a regular commercial customer of TwentyCi for data, the data flow is unidirectional – from TwentyCi to ViewMyChain.
We are now an independent business, privately owned with many of the same shareholders as TwentyCi but not managed as a single entity and we wish our ex-colleagues at TwentyCi all the best as we both build our businesses.