The Chain Reaction: Why the Slowest Link Matters Most


In today’s rapidly evolving property market, the focus on reducing transaction times for individual properties is at an all-time high. Various initiatives are being rolled out with the aim of streamlining processes, enhancing data transparency, and ultimately, speeding up the time from offer to completion. However, as valuable as these efforts are, they often miss a crucial point: the majority of property transactions in the UK are part of a chain, and a chain is only as strong—and as fast—as its slowest link.

With the significant volume of data at our disposal, we at ViewMyChain witness firsthand how the success of a property transaction isn’t solely dependent on the efficiency of a single transaction. The reality is far more complex. In a chain of multiple linked transactions, progress is dictated by the slowest transaction in the chain. Yet many of the current initiatives focus narrowly on improving the efficiency of individual transactions, leaving the broader context of the chain neglected. Without a clear view of the entire chain, estate agents and conveyancers are, in essence, flying blind.

The Hidden Complexity of Property Chains

A property chain is a series of linked transactions, each contingent on the others. The completion of one sale often hinges on the completion of another. This interconnectedness means that delays in one part of the chain inevitably ripple through the entire sequence, causing stress, uncertainty, and sometimes, the collapse of the entire chain.

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that agents and conveyancers typically only have visibility over their immediate transaction, without insight into the status of the broader chain. The lack of transparency makes it difficult to anticipate or address issues that might arise in other parts of the chain, leading to unnecessary delays and complications.

The ViewMyChain Solution

This is where ViewMyChain comes into play. Our platform provides a comprehensive view of the entire property chain, offering real-time updates on the progress of each link in the chain. By making the invisible visible, we empower agents and conveyancers to proactively manage the entire transaction process.

For example, if a delay occurs in one part of the chain, our system flags it immediately, allowing the relevant professionals to take action before the issue escalates. This level of visibility and control is not only crucial for speeding up transaction times but also for managing client expectations and reducing the likelihood of a chain breaking down.

Why Visibility Matters

The importance of having a complete view of the property chain cannot be overstated. Consider the typical scenario where a single transaction is delayed due to a minor issue—perhaps a delay in receiving a mortgage offer or a snag in the conveyancing process. Without insight into the broader chain, this small hiccup can cause significant delays for everyone involved, resulting in frustration and potential financial loss.

With ViewMyChain, agents and conveyancers are equipped with the tools they need to ensure that their transactions are not derailed by unforeseen issues elsewhere in the chain. By providing a clear view of all linked transactions, ViewMyChain helps to ensure that the chain moves at the pace of the fastest link, rather than being held back by the slowest.

The Future of Property Transactions

While the industry continues to work towards greater standardisation and efficiency, it’s crucial to recognise that progress doesn’t have to wait for perfection. Tools like ViewMyChain offer a practical, here-and-now solution that can make a tangible difference in the speed and success of property transactions today.

In a market where time is money, and certainty is invaluable, having a comprehensive view of the property chain is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. By leveraging the power of chain visibility, we can move towards a future where property transactions are faster, smoother, and more predictable for everyone involved.


As we continue to push for improvements in the property market, let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture. The key to reducing transaction times and improving the overall experience lies not just in optimising individual transactions but in understanding and managing the entire property chain.

With ViewMyChain, estate agents and conveyancers are no longer flying blind—they have the insights they need to keep the chain moving, from start to finish. Because in the end, it’s not just about speeding up one transaction; it’s about ensuring that the entire chain reaches completion as efficiently as possible. And for that, a clear view of the chain is essential.


*This article originally appeared on Estate Agent Today, 29 August 2024.